Do all of your Amazon Shopping using smile.amazon.com and choose The House Next Door
as your charity to support using the following steps:
Amazon Smile Program​
Place an order on Amazon Smile and a percentage will come back to our agency.
Go to smile.amazon.com and indicate you would like to support The House Next Door
1. From the Internet Browser (not The Amazon App) on your mobile device type in smile.amazon.com and log into your account using your regular Amazon credentials.
2. Go into Account Settings and choose The House Next Door as your charity.
3. Complete your order as you normally would. The prices are the same and if you are an Amazon Prime member you will receive your same benefits. The House Next Door will receive a percentage of all your eligible purchases (no transaction details are forwarded to The House Next Door).
4. The Amazon App is not compatible with the Smile program but you can easily access the smile.amazon.com site by adding a shortcut to your home screen.
1. From the Internet Browser (not The Amazon App) on your laptop or home computer type in smile.amazon.com and log into your account using your regular Amazon credentials.
2. Go into Account Settings and choose The House Next Door as your charity.
3. Complete your order as you normally would. The prices are the same and if you are an Amazon Prime member you will receive your same benefits. The House Next Door will receive a percentage of all your eligible purchases (no transaction details are forwarded to The House Next Door).
4. You can easily access the smile.amazon.com site by adding a shortcut to your home screen.